Prestige Soccer
Soccer Ball 101
Prestige Marketing

case study: Gillette

1999 World Pro Award for outstanding display activity

Colgate Case StudyObjective

Create multiple country promotion that Gillette could own and reinforce “Best a Man Can Get”


Chooses athlete of the year from a list of 3 based upon on and off field performance. Promotion ran in Indonesia, Panama, Brazil, Turkey, and Canada

• Prestige Marketing Group supplied Gillette, Brazil with 3.5 million watches, 1.5 million radios and 1.75 million calculators.

• Prestige Marketing Group set up a local 800 number for consumer questions, complaints, comments, etc.

• Prestige Marketing Group personnel manned the phones.

• Prestige Marketing Group replaced any watches, radios or calculators at no expanse to Gillette or to the consumer.

• The product that was replaced amounted to approximately 1/2 of 1% of the product delivered.